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Halal Tourism

Halal tourism which is also known as Halal travel or Halal-friendly travel is tourism, where Muslim tourists seek destinations that meet their needs, in terms of diet, dress, or rituals. Halal tourism is becoming one of the fastest-growing segments of the global travel industry. A research group that tracks halal-friendly travel, projects that over the next decade that sector’s contribution to the global economy will jump to $300 billion from $180 billion. With a population that is disproportionately young, educated, and upwardly mobile, they are one of the fastest-growing demographics on the global tourism scene.
In response to that, the tourist industry throughout the world has begun to acknowledge the importance of Muslim visitors. They are focusing on providing facilities that meet Muslim dietary and religious needs. This allows Muslim travelers to seek culturally immersive travel experiences outside of traditional Muslim-friendly destinations.

What will you find at Halal Touring?

The purpose of this website is simple.

To empower Muslims to explore the world with purpose and compassion while remaining true to their faith and developing lasting relationships with all communities. Help with tips and resources available for Muslims to explore the world and be confident in their Muslim identity. Add value to their trips by finding hotels where there is halal food, no pork, and alcohol on the menus. Secluded swimming pools for women and families. Flights with no alcohol on the drink carts, and itineraries with built-in break times for the five daily calls to prayer

If the goal of the journey is to seek God’s pleasure or to strengthen one’s faith, it will be both Halal and Islamic.